Foil tape for taping the top of Polycarbonate panels. Keeps dirt, debris, and moisture out. Use vented tape for the bottom side of panels.
Foil tape for taping the top of Polycarbonate panels. Keeps dirt, debris, and moisture out. Use vented tape for the bottom side of panels.
Grey Foil Vented tape for taping the bottom of Polycarbonate panels. Keeps dirt and debris out while allowing condensation to freely drain from polycarbonate channels.
Rimol Greenhouses
Leading film repair tape in America Bonds aggressively to polyethylene film Greenhouse film with an adhesive on it UV stable
Rimol Greenhouses
The Nor'Easter greenhouse series is the strongest free-standing greenhouse available. The Northeast United States is known for experiencing harsh and unpredictable weather conditions, and as the name...
Rimol Greenhouses
The Northpoint Series is the ultimate in freestanding greenhouses. The Northpoint was developed as one of the original Rimol Greenhouses, designed for multi-functional use as both a growing and...
Rimol Greenhouses
The Nor'Easter greenhouse series is the strongest free-standing greenhouse available. The Northeast United States is known for experiencing harsh and unpredictable weather conditions, and as the name...