
For Architects

Decades of Experience Working with Architects

For over 30 years, Rimol Greenhouses has worked with architectural firms across the country on greenhouse design and construction projects. Our portfolio includes greenhouse builds with K-12 schools, colleges and universities; correctional institutions; alternative education institutions; garden centers and nurseries; and many other types of organizations.

The Rimol Matterhorn greenhouse is a pre-engineered, peaked-roof, gutter-connected greenhouse structure that can be customized with additional steel to boost structural loads and fit any building requirements. It meets all International Building Codes (IBC) and building codes throughout the United States and is suited for all climate challenges.

Stamped Engineering Plans

Rimol provides stamped engineering plans for all Matterhorn structures that certify wind, snow and seismic loads for the area where the greenhouse is being constructed. We can provide complete calculations with these stamped plans for verification by internal engineers. Rimol’s on-staff CAD technician will also prepare detailed drawings specifically for the project, including information such as:

• Rough opening dimensions, framed opening tolerances, profiles, product components, anchorages and accessories
• Details of materials, construction, finish, fastener locations, glazing and hardware
• Equipment layouts
• Plumbing and heating diagrams

As part of the specification process for architectural projects, Rimol can also provide upon request:

• Detailed product data, including data on all materials to be used, warranty information and instruction manuals
• Detailed shop drawings
• Selection samples for greenhouse building materials such as polycarbonate, shade cloth, steel and aluminum extrusions, etc.
• Customer references, including information on local sites that have an existing Rimol structure

Rimol Greenhouse Systems is an awarded contractor with Purchasing Cooperative of America (PCA OD-395-23), and we can facilitate a smooth procurement and purchasing process for institutional greenhouses.

Get in Touch

If you are currently in the research or architectural specification process for a greenhouse project, please reach out to discuss how a Rimol Greenhouse can fit your needs. Our decades of experience in greenhouse manufacturing and fabrication, as well as our proven work on projects of varying scope and complexity, makes Rimol the right choice for your greenhouse investment. We have field representatives throughout the country that can meet with you in person to help develop and oversee your project.