We are 100% committed to making sure our customers have a positive and successful experience with Rimol Greenhouses. If you don’t find the answer to your questions in the list below, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Are there instruction manuals to help me install my greenhouse?

Yes, Rimol Greenhouses offers instruction manuals for every type of structure, as well as many of our other systems. All of the RG instruction manuals have recently been updated and are now available electronically in PDF format. These new instructions have more photos and illustrations in order to simplify the greenhouse construction process. If you have any questions on construction, email us and we will provide you with a PDF copy of any of the instruction manuals that you would like.

How can my business be featured in the “Customer Spotlight?”

Send an email to marketing@rimol.com with the subject "Customer Spotlight" and share why you love your Rimol Greenhouse! Each month, we will choose one of the entries to feature.

Can I still purchase products from Rimol from outside of the United States?

Yes. Although this may create some logistical problems in the shipping and delivery of your products, we will gladly work with you directly to determine how to help you complete your greenhouse project. If you are located outside of the United States and would like to purchase from Rimol Greenhouses, please contact us.

What if I do not know what type of structure I want?

First, explore our Customer Success page, which will provide you with articles and resources to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the greenhouse construction process, as well as all of the products and structures that Rimol Greenhouses offers. If you have taken a look at our Learning Center and still cannot decide which greenhouse will be best for you, give us a call, and our experienced sales technicians will help you throughout the process.

Do you have any How-To's?

The How To's section discusses the latest trends in growing and features instruction how to begin a greenhouse project of your own. Our blogs showcase customers, answer questions from growers, and provide tips on how to maintain a healthy greenhouse. You can request a catalog which is also filled with many "how to's" and find more information by visiting our Customer Success.

Where can I find a distributor near me?

Rimol Greenhouses has product distributors all over the country. Our distributors include:

  • Green Island Distributors – Riverhead, NY
  • Martin’s Produce Supply – Shippensburg, PA
  • Kenai Feed & Supply – Kenai, AK
  • Carlin Sales - Milwaukee, WI
  • BFG - Burton, OH

Distributors are still wanted in several parts of the country. If you are interested, contact us by email at sales@rimol.com

Where is Rimol Greenhouses located?

Our facility is located in Hooksett, NH, just outside of Manchester, NH. We are located about 50 miles north of Boston and easily accessible if you would like to pick-up your greenhouse after you place your order. When you pick up at the RG facility, you can save money on freight costs and there is no sales tax in New Hampshire.

What’s the difference between the Nor’Easter and the High Tunnel?

The difference between a Nor’Easter and the High Tunnel is that high tunnels use Eastpoint, Northpoint, and Nor’Easter frames, with longer ground posts, to make them “high” tunnels.

Contact Us

Interested in further information on how Rimol can help you get growing? Reach out today!